Welcome to the Fusion's Chao Projects. This mini-site is simply a place for me to host and document my various chao projects. If you play Sonic Adventure 1 or 2 on the PC, you may be most interested in my awesome chao editor.
Chao hacking information updated!
I have just updated the chao hacking information here on my website. In particular, I added a new Chao Name Encoding page which documents how the characters are encoded for chao names. I also fixed a minor error where the SA2B classroom skills section listed the wrong offset.
Fusion's Chao Editor 2.3 released!
I have just released version 2.3 of Fusion's Chao Editor! This new version adds compatibility with the BetterSADX mod, as well as bringing along various other fixes and improvements. Be sure to read the full list of changes!
Chao hacking information published!
I have just published all of my chao hacking information here on my website. This is all of the information that I have collected through research and reverse-engineering, and is what I used to put together my chao editor.
Somebody recently contacted me and requested this information. I decided that it would be best to publish it online for everybody to be able to access and make use of. I hope it helps! Some examples of how this information could be used are: the development of cheat codes for the console games, the development of a new hacking tool, or simply to better understand the inner workings of the games.
If you just want to edit your chao on the PC versions of SADX or SA2B, then you can safely ignore this section — just use my Chao Editor instead. It'll do all the work for you!
If you need any further assistance, then please contact me.
Fusion's Chao Editor 2.2 released!
I have just released version 2.2 of Fusion's Chao Editor! The Steam version of Sonic Adventure DX had yet another update which stopped this program from working again. This new version restores compatibility with the game. Please make sure you've updated to the latest version of Sonic Adventure DX!
Fusion's Chao Editor 2.1 released!
I have just released version 2.1 of Fusion's Chao Editor! This new version restores compatibility with the Steam version of Sonic Adventure DX (which had been broken by last week's patch). Please make sure you've updated to the latest version of Sonic Adventure DX!
Fusion's Chao Editor 2.0 released, with support for SADX and SA2B on Steam!
The second version of Fusion's Chao Editor has been released! This new version brings some major changes, including support for the recently released PC version of Sonic Adventure 2, as well as the 2011 release of Sonic Adventure DX on Steam. There are also many more settings available now, including chao personality, health, classroom skills, toys, seeds, and more! Be sure to read the full list of changes!
The Steam version of Sonic Adventure DX
Whilst my SADX PC Chao Editor works well with the regular PC release of Sonic Adventure DX, I have recently been notified about compatibility issues with the new Steam version. This post is just here to make you aware of this issue and to let you know that I'll try to resolve it soon.
Chao Evolution Demonstrator
Chao evolution seems to confuse a lot of people, so I put together a little tool which demonstrates how it works. The tool starts you off with a chao with all E grades, and you can give it different animals or Chaos Drives. While giving those to the chao, you can observe the effects they have on both its stats and its gradual evolution sliders. It shows that stats have absolutely nothing to do with evolution, except for how first evolution increases a stat grade.
Fusion's SADX PC Chao Editor 1.0 released!
The first version of my SADX PC Chao Editor has been released! As the very first release, there may be some bugs; however, I have thoroughly tested it and haven't yet found any. It supports a vast number of features which other editors do not, including control over second evolutions, animals, fruits, hats, the Black Market, and more!
SA2B Chao Box Locations
I have been putting together a guide to all the Chao box locations in Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle). I am including high-quality images as well as the usual text descriptions, to make them easier to find. When complete, this information will be placed on the Chao Island website, but for now it's here to help people out.
Chao Gallery Preview Tool
Chao Island has an excellent section called the Chao Gallery, which contains images of almost every chao evolution in almost every colour. However, it can be tedious to browse through manually. Therefore, I created a preview tool which allows you to enter in parameters for a chao and instantly see how it looks.